ESOP Advisors Group - Company

The firm specializes in the design, formation and implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). ESOP Advisors Group is nationally recognized for its commitment to both the shareholders and the employees of sponsoring companies. ESOP Advisors Group is long known for its ability to: design ESOPs for maximum possible tax benefits, form ESOPs on a foundation of a lasting "ownership" culture, and implement ESOPs so that the "employee" owners reap all their vested "reward of ownership" when they leave the company.

ESOP Advisors Group works primarily with companies valued in excess of $5,000,000. It builds an ongoing working relationship starting with accomplishing a FREE Viability Assessment through annual reviews. This assures that the goals of the sponsoring company for implementation of the ESOP are continually being achieved.

An ESOP can help you save substantially when you are ready to retire or otherwise pass on your business. The table below highlights the sample cost
of exit to shareholder by implementing various strategies. See how Strategy 1 – Sell to ESOP – garners you the most return.

Assumptions & Stock Sale
Company Value:
Company Payroll:
Pre-tax Cash: $2,000,000
Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
Sell to Heirs or Sell to Others Sell to Others Sell to ESOP
Mgt. Team wo/$ without BI* with BI*
Sell to Others
without BI*
Sell to Others
with BI*
Sell to ESOP
Cost to Bonus 16,000,000 N/A N/A N/A
Gross to Owner 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
Fed Capital Gains 15%) 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,380,000 N/A
State Capital Gains (8%) 800,000 800,000 736,000 N/A
BI Commission (8%) N/A N/A 800,000 N/A
Tax/Other Leakage $8,300,00 $2,300,00 $2,916,000 $0.00

Net to Owner $7,700,000 $7,700,000 $7,084,000 $10,000,000

*Merger & Acquisition Business Intermediary


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